Social media is described as an online communication tool that allows people to interact. It is used to share thoughts, ideas, and experiences.
Social media also allows businesses to communicate with their customers and followers. They also help businesses generate leads and conversions.
Undoubtedly, social media is one of the best ways to connect with customers and create brand awareness. But when it comes to posting, it's challenging to decide what's more important: brand awareness or conversions?
In this blog post, we'll break down the pros and cons of each approach so that you can make the most effective social media postings for your business.
Social Media Postings for Brand Awareness
Social media is the new trend in getting people's attention, and brands pay close attention to this phenomenon.
Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and Snapchat offer free advertising space for marketers who can get creative enough to market their brand using these platforms. The new-age brand awareness technique can reach many people at less cost.
Posting regular content on a brand's social media pages is an excellent way to keep customers in the company’s loop.
Posts can range from pictures, videos, quotes, and more. Brands have successfully increased their sales by creating exciting posts on social media.
Social Media Posting For Conversions
To compete in the online marketing world, it is necessary to have a solid social media presence. To keep them visible on sites such as Google and Facebook, a company must be actively posting status updates and other content which will allow them to show up in search results.
However, social media accounts alone are enough. To generate conversions, a company must have a solid social media strategy that will allow them to reach the largest audience possible.
Today's social media strategy revolves around two significant concepts: posting engaging content which will encourage users to like, share, or comment on posts; and using SEO to increase the amount of traffic that your website receives.
The more and better content you post, the more users will engage with it, increasing the chance of getting more clicks and views and ultimately enhancing the conversion rate.
Difference In Brand Awareness and Conversion Using Social Media
Posting for Brand Awareness
Increases your brand visibility and demand for its offerings
Results in increased conversion rate
Difficult to measure the effectiveness
It doesn't lead to anticipations directly
Posting for Lead Generations
Quickly identifies the prospects
Results are measurable
Needs sufficient brand awareness to show effective results
More focused on highly optimized content rather than brand offerings
Take Away
Choosing between the two brand awareness and lead generation isn't a piece of cake. It feels like a boxing match where brand awareness fights to increase the number of audiences while conversion limits the audience to those who are willing to make a trade.
Yet, the two strategies can complement each other when used effectively. It is essential to weigh the strengths and weaknesses of each while choosing the marketing strategy.